Search Results: "rak"

10 June 2020

Dirk Eddelbuettel: binb 0.0.6: Small enhancements

The sixth release of the binb package is now on CRAN. binb regroups four rather nice themes for writing LaTeX Beamer presentations much more easily in (R)Markdown. As a teaser, a quick demo combining all four themes follows; documentation and examples are in the package. Via two contributed PRs, this releases adds titlepage support via the YAML header for Metropolis, and suppresses nags about the changed natbib default. A little polish on the README and Travis rounds everything off.

Changes in binb version 0.0.6 (2020-06-10)
  • Support for YAML option titlegraphic was added in Metropolis (Andras Scraka in #23).
  • The file received another badge (Dirk).
  • The natbib default value was updated to accomodate rmarkdown (Joseph Stachelek in #26).
  • Travis now uses R 4.0.0 and 'bionic' (Dirk).

CRANberries provides a summary of changes to the previous version. For questions or comments, please use the issue tracker at GitHub. If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can now sponsor me at GitHub. For the first year, GitHub will match your contributions.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

17 May 2020

Erich Schubert: Contact Tracing Apps are Useless

Some people believe that automatic contact tracing apps will help contain the Coronavirus epidemic. They won t. Sorry to bring the bad news, but IT and mobile phones and artificial intelligence will not solve every problem. In my opinion, those that promise to solve these things with artificial intelligence / mobile phones / apps / your-favorite-buzzword are at least overly optimistic and blinder Aktionismus (*), if not naive, detachted from reality, or fraudsters that just want to get some funding. (*) there does not seem to be an English word for this doing something just for the sake of doing something, without thinking about whether it makes sense to do so Here are the reasons why it will not work:
  1. Signal quality. Forget detecting proximity with Bluetooth Low Energy. Yes, there are attempts to use BLE beacons for indoor positioning. But these use that you can learn fingerprints of which beacons are visible at which points, combined with additional information such as movement sensors and history (you do not teleport around in a building). BLE signals and antennas apparently tend to be very prone to orientation differences, signal reflections, and of course you will not have the idealized controlled environment used in such prototypes. The contacts have a single device, and they move this is not comparable to indoor positioning. I strongly doubt you can tell whether you are close to someone, or not.
  2. Close vs. protection. The app cannot detect protection in place. Being close to someone behind a plexiglass window or even a solid wall is very different from being close otherwise. You will get a lot of false contacts this way. That neighbor that you have never seen living in the appartment above will likely be considered a close contact of yours, as you sleep next to each other every day
  3. Low adoption rates. Apparently even in technology affine Singapore, fewer than 20% of people installed the app. That does not even mean they use it regularly. In Austria, the number is apparently below 5%, and people complain that it does not detect contact But in order for this approach to work, you will need Chinese-style mass surveillance that literally puts you in prison if you do not install the app.
  4. False alerts. Because of these issues, you will get false alerts, until you just do not care anymore.
  5. False sense of security. Honestly: the app does not pretect you at all. All it tries to do is to make the tracing of contacts easier. It will not tell you reliably if you have been infected (as mentioned above, too many false positives, too few users) nor that you are relatively safe (too few contacts included, too slow testing and reporting). It will all be on the quality of about 10 days ago you may or may not have contact with someone that tested positive, please contact someone to expose more data to tell you that it is actually another false alert .
  6. Trust. In Germany, the app will be operated by T-Systems and SAP. Not exactly two companies that have a lot of fans SAP seems to be one of the most hated software around. Neither company is known for caring about privacy much, but they are prototypical for business first . Its trust the cat to keep the cream. Yes, I know they want to make it open-source. But likely only the client, and you will still have to trust that the binary in the app stores is actually built from this source code, and not from a modified copy. As long as the name T-Systems and SAP are associated to the app, people will not trust it. Plus, we all know that the app will be bad, given the reputation of these companies at making horrible software systems
  7. Too late. SAP and T-Systems want to have the app ready in mid June. Seriously, this must be a joke? It will be very buggy in the beginning (because it is SAP!) and it will not be working reliably before end of July. There will not be a substantial user before fall. But given the low infection rates in Germany, nobody will bother to install it anymore, because the perceived benefit is 0 one the infection rates are low.
  8. Infighting. You may remember that there was the discussion before that there should be a pan-european effort. Except that in the end, everybody fought everybody else, countries went into different directions and they all broke up. France wanted a centralized systems, while in Germany people pointed out that the users will not accept this and only a distributed system will have a chance. That failed effort was known as Pan-European Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing (PEPP-PT) vs. Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing (DP-3T) , and it turned out to have become a big clusterfuck . And that is just the tip of the iceberg.
Iceleand, probably the country that handled the Corona crisis best (they issued a travel advisory against Austria, when they were still happily spreading the virus at apres-ski; they massively tested, and got the infections down to almost zero within 6 weeks), has been experimenting with such an app. Iceland as a fairly close community managed to have almost 40% of people install their app. So did it help? No: The technology is more or less I wouldn t say useless [ ] it wasn t a game changer for us. The contact tracing app is just a huge waste of effort and public money. And pretty much the same applies to any other attempts to solve this with IT. There is a lot of buzz about solving the Corona crisis with artificial intelligence: bullshit! That is just naive. Do not speculate about magic power of AI. Get the data, understand the data, and you will see it does not help. Because its real data. Its dirty. Its late. Its contradicting. Its incomplete. It is all what AI currently can not handle well. This is not image recognition. You have no labels. Many of the attempts in this direction already fail at the trivial 7-day seasonality you observe in the data For example, the widely known John Hopkins Has the curve flattened trend has a stupid, useless indicator based on 5 day averages. And hence you get the weekly up and downs due to weekends. They show pretty up and down indicators. But these are affected mostly by the day of the week. And nobody cares. Notice that they currently even have big negative infections in their plots? There is no data on when someone was infected. Because such data simply does not exist. What you have is data when someone tested positive (mostly), when someone reported symptons (sometimes, but some never have symptoms!), and when someone dies (but then you do not know if it was because of Corona, because of other issues that became just worse because of Corona, or hit by a car without any relation to Corona). The data that we work with is incredibly delayed, yet we pretend it is live . Stop reading tea leaves. Stop pretending AI can save the world from Corona.

1 May 2020

Utkarsh Gupta: FOSS Activites in April 2020

Here s my (seventh) monthly update about the activities I ve done in the F/L/OSS world.

It s been 14 months since I ve started contributing to Debian. And 4 months since I ve been a Debian Developer. And in this beautiful time, I had this opprotunity to do and learn lots of new and interesting things. And most importantly, meet and interact with lots of lovely people!
Debian is $home.


Other $things:
  • Attended Ruby team meeting. Logs here.
  • Attended Perl team LHF. Report here.
  • Sponsored a lot of uploads for William Desportes and Adam Cecile.
  • Mentoring for newcomers.
  • FTP Trainee reviewing.
  • Moderation of -project mailing list.
  • Applied for DUCI project for Google Summer of Code 2020.

Ruby2.7 Migration:
Ruby2.7 was recently released on 25th December, 2019. Santa s gift. Believe it or not. We, the Debian Ruby team, have been trying hard to make it migrate to testing. And it finally happened. The default version in testing is ruby2.7. Here s the news! \o/
Here s what I worked on this month for this transition.

Upstream: Opened several issues and proposed patches (in the form of PRs):
  • Issue #35 against encryptor for Ruby2.7 test failures.
  • Issue #28 against image_science for removing relative paths.
  • Issue #106 against ffi-yajl for Ruby2.7 test failures.
  • PR #5 against aggregate for simply using require.
  • PR #6 against aggregate for modernizing CI and adding Ruby 2.5 and 2.7 support.
  • Issue #13 against espeak-ruby for Ruby2.7 test failures.
  • Issue #4 against tty-which for test failures in general.
  • Issue #11 against packable for Ruby2.7 test failures. PR #12 has been proposed.
  • Issue #10 against growl for test failures and proposed an initial patch.

Downstream: I fixed and uploaded the following packages in Debian:

Debian LTS
Debian Long Term Support (LTS) is a project to extend the lifetime of all Debian stable releases to (at least) 5 years. Debian LTS is not handled by the Debian security team, but by a separate group of volunteers and companies interested in making it a success.
This was my seventh month as a Debian LTS paid contributor. I was assigned 24.00 hours and worked on the following things:

CVE Fixes and Announcements:

Other LTS Work:

Sometimes it gets hard to categorize work/things into a particular category.
That s why I am writing all of those things inside this category.
This includes two sub-categories and they are as follows.

Personal: This month I could get the following things done:
  • Most importantly, I finally migrated to a new website. Huge UI imporvement! \o/
    From Jekyll to Hugo, it was not easy. But it was worth it! Many thanks to Luiz for writing hugo-coder, Clement, and Samyak!
    If you find any flaws, issues and pull requests are welcomed at utkarsh2102/
  • Wrote battery-alert, a mini-project of my own to show battery alerts at <10% and >90%.
    Written in shell, it brings me all the satisfaction as it has saved my life on many occasions.
    And guess what? It has more users than just myself!
    Reviews and patches are welcomed \o/
  • Mentored in HackOn Hackathon. Thanks to Manvi for reaching out!
    It was fun to see people developing some really nice projects.
  • Thanks to Ray and John, I became a GitLab Hero!
    (I am yet to figure out my role and responibility though)
  • Atteneded Intro Sec Con and had the most fun!
    Heard Ian s keynote and attended other talks and learned how to use WireShark!

Open Source: Again, this contains all the things that I couldn t categorize earlier.
Opened several issues and pull requests:
  • Issue #297 against hugo-coder, asking to enable RSS feed for blogs.
  • PR #316 for hugo-coder for fixing the above issue myself.
  • Issue #173 against arbre for requesting a release.
  • Issue #104 against combustion, asking to relax dependency on rubocop. Fixed in this commit.
  • Issue #16 against ffi-compiler for requesting to fix homepage and license.
  • Issue #57 against gographviz for requesting a release.
  • Issue #14 against crb-blast, suggesting compatability with bio 2.0.x.
  • Issue #58 against uniform_notifier for asking to drop the use of ruby-growl.
  • PR #2072 for polybar, adding installation instructions on Debian systems.

Until next time.
:wq for today.

16 April 2020

Rigved Rakshit: Intermediate Statistics

These are some of my notes on intermediate statistics from the Udemy Data Science Bootcamp. The Python code associated with this section is available here.

15 April 2020

Rigved Rakshit: Basic Probability

These are some of my notes on probability theory.

7 April 2020

Reproducible Builds: Reproducible Builds in March 2020

Welcome to the March 2020 report from the Reproducible Builds project. In our reports we outline the most important things that we have been up to over the past month and some plans for the future.
What are reproducible builds? One of the original promises of open source software is that distributed peer review and transparency of process results in enhanced end-user security. However, whilst anyone may inspect the source code of free and open source software for malicious flaws, almost all software today is distributed as pre-compiled binaries. This allows nefarious third-parties to compromise systems by injecting malicious code into ostensibly secure software during the various compilation and distribution processes.

News The report from our recent summit in Marrakesh was published and is now available in both PDF and HTML formats. A sincere thank you to all of the Reproducible Builds community for the input to the event a sincere thank you to Aspiration for preparing and collating this report. Harmut Schorrig published a detailed document on how to compile Java applications in such as way that the .jar build artefact is reproducible across builds. A practical and hands-on guide, it details how to avoid unnecessary differences between builds by explicitly declaring an encoding as the default value differs across Linux and MS Windows systems and ensuring that the generated .jar a variant of a .zip archive does not embed any nondeterministic filesystem metadata, and so on. Janneke gave a quick presentation on GNU Mes and reproducible builds during the lighting talk session at LibrePlanet 2020. [ ] Vagrant Cascadian presented There and Back Again, Reproducibly! video at SCaLE 18x in Pasadena in California which generated some attention on Twitter. Herv Boutemy mentioned on our mailing list in a thread titled Rebuilding and checking Reproducible Builds from Maven Central repository that since the update of a central build script (the parent POM ) every Apache project using the Maven build system should build reproducibly. A follow-up discussion regarding how to perform such rebuilds was also started on the Apache mailing list. The Telegram instant-messaging platform announced that they had updated their iOS and Android OS applications and claim that they are reproducible according to their full instructions, verifying that its original source code is exactly the same code that is used to build the versions available on the Apple App Store and Google Play distribution platforms respectfully. Herv Boutemy also reported about a new project called reproducible-central which aims to allow anyone to rebuild a component from the Maven Central Repository that is expected to be reproducible and check that the result is as expected. In last month s report we detailed Omar Navarro Leija s work in and around an academic paper titled Reproducible Containers which describes in detail the workings of a user-space container tool called dettrace (PDF). Since then, the PhD student from the University Of Pennsylvania presented on this tool at the ASPLOS 2020 conference in Lausanne, Switzerland. Furthermore, there were contributions to dettrace from the Reproducible Builds community itself. [ ][ ]

Distribution work

openSUSE In openSUSE, Bernhard M. Wiedemann published his monthly Reproducible Builds status update as well as made the following changes within the distribution itself:

Debian Chris Lamb further refined his merge request for the debian-installer component to allow all arguments from sources.list files (such as [check-valid-until=no] ) in order that we can test the reproducibility of the installer images on the Reproducible Builds own testing infrastructure. (#13) Holger Levsen filed a number of bug reports against the debrebuild tool that attempts to rebuild a Debian package given a .buildinfo file as input, including: 48 reviews of Debian packages were added, 17 were updated and 34 were removed this month adding to our knowledge about identified issues. Many issue types were noticed, categorised and updated by Chris Lamb, including: Finally, Holger opened a bug report against the software running, a service for Debian Developers to follow the evolution of packages via web and email interfaces to request that they integrate information from (#955434) and Chris Lamb kept up to date. [ ]

Software development

diffoscope Chris Lamb made the following changes to diffoscope, the Reproducible Builds project s in-depth and content-aware diff utility that can locate and diagnose reproducibility issues, including preparing and uploading version 138 to Debian:
  • Improvements:
    • Don t allow errors with R script deserialisation cause the entire operation to fail, for example if an external library cannot be loaded. (#91)
    • Experiment with memoising output from expensive external commands, eg. readelf. (#93)
    • Use dumppdf from the python3-pdfminer if we do not see any other differences from pdftext, etc. (#92)
    • Prevent a traceback when comparing two R .rdx files directly as the get_member method will return a file even if the file is missing. [ ]
  • Reporting:
    • Display the supported file formats into the package long description. (#90)
    • Print a potentially-helpful message if the PyPDF2 module is not installed. [ ]
    • Remove any duplicate comparator descriptions when formatting in the --help output or in the package long description. [ ]
    • Weaken Install the X package to get a better output message to may produce a better output as the former is not actually guaranteed. [ ]
  • Misc:
    • Ensure we only parse the recommended packages from --list-debian-substvars when we want them for debian/tests/control generation. [ ]
    • Add upstream metadata file [ ] and add a Lintian override for upstream-metadata-in-native-source as we are upstream. [ ]
    • Inline the RequiredToolNotFound.get_package method s functionality as it is only used once. [ ]
    • Drop the deprecated py36 = [..] argument in the pyproject.toml file. [ ]
In addition, Vagrant Cascadian updated diffoscope in GNU Guix to version 138 [ ], as well as updating reprotest our end-user tool to build same source code twice in widely differing environments and then checks the binaries produced by each build for any differences to version 0.7.14 [ ].

Upstream patches The Reproducible Builds project detects, dissects and attempts to fix as many currently-unreproducible packages as possible. We endeavour to send all of our patches upstream where appropriate. This month we wrote a large number of such patches, including:

Project documentation There was further work performed on our documentation and website this month including Alex Wilson adding a section regarding using Gradle for reproducible builds in JVM projects [ ] and Holger Levsen added the report from our recent summit in Marrakesh [ ][ ]. In addition, Chris Lamb made a number of changes, including correcting the syntax of some CSS class formatting [ ], improved some filed against copy a little better [ ] and corrected a reference to calendar.monthrange Python method in a utility function. [ ]

Testing framework We operate a large and many-featured Jenkins-based testing framework that powers that, amongst many other tasks, tracks the status of our reproducibility efforts as well as identifies any regressions that have been introduced. This month, Chris Lamb reworked the web-based package rescheduling tool to:
  • Require a HTTP POST method in the web-based scheduler as not only should HTTP GET requests be idempotent but this will allow many future improvements in the user interface. [ ][ ][ ]
  • Improve the authentication error message in said rescheduler to suggest that the developer s SSL certificate may have expired. [ ]
In addition, Holger Levsen made the following changes:
  • Add a new ath97 subtarget for the OpenWrt distribution.
  • Revisit ordering of Debian suites; sort the experimental distribution last and reverse the ordering of suites to prioritise the suites in development. [ ][ ][ ]
  • Schedule Debian buster and bullseye a little less in order to allow unstable to catch up on the i386 architecture. [ ][ ]
  • Various cosmetic changes to the web-based scheduler. [ ][ ][ ][ ]
  • Improve wordings in the node health maintenance output. [ ]
Lastly, Vagrant Cascadian updated a link to the (formerly) weekly news to our reports page [ ] and kpcyrd fixed the escaping in an Alpine Linux inline patch [ ]. The usual build nodes maintenance was performed by Holger Levsen [ ][ ], Mattia Rizzolo [ ] and Vagrant Cascadian [ ][ ].
If you are interested in contributing to the Reproducible Builds project, please visit our Contribute page on our website. However, you can get in touch with us via:

This month s report was written by Bernhard M. Wiedemann, Chris Lamb, Holger Levsen and Vagrant Cascadian. It was subsequently reviewed by a bunch of Reproducible Builds folks on IRC and the mailing list.

10 March 2020

Utkarsh Gupta: Debian Activities for February 2020

Here s my (fifth) monthly update about the activities I ve done in Debian this February.

Debian LTS This was my fifth month as a Debian LTS paid contributor.
I was assigned 20.00 hours and worked on the following things:

CVE Fixes and Announcements:
  • Issued DLA 2095-1, fixing CVE-2020-7040, for storebackup.
    Details here: in storeBackup through 3.5 relies on the /tmp/storeBackup.lock pathname, which allows symlink attacks that possibly lead to privilege escalation.
    For Debian 8 Jessie , this problem has been fixed in version 3.2.1-1+deb8u1.
    Furthermore, sent the patch for the security update for Stretch and Buster to the maintainer.
  • Issued DLA 2113-1, fixing CVE-2020-8631 and CVE-2020-8632 for cloud-init.
    Details here:
    For CVE-2020-8631, in cloud-init, relies on Mersenne Twister for a random password, which makes it easier for attackers to predict passwords, because rand_str in cloudinit/ calls the random.choice function.
    For CVE-2020-8632, in cloud-init, rand_user_password in cloudinit/config/ has a small default pwlen value, which makes it easier for attackers to guess passwords.
    For Debian 8 Jessie , this problem has been fixed in version 0.7.6~bzr976-2+deb8u1.
  • Issued DLA 2116-1, fixing CVE-2015-9542, for libpam-radius-auth.
    Details here:
    A vulnerability was found in pam_radius: the password length check was done incorrectly in the add_password() function in pam_radius_auth.c, resulting in a stack based buffer overflow.
    This could be used to crash (DoS) an application using the PAM stack for authentication. For Debian 8 Jessie , this problem has been fixed in version 1.3.16-4.4+deb8u1.
  • Issued DLA 2127-1, fixing CVE-2019-10785, for dojo.
    Details here:
    dojox was vulnerable to Cross-site Scripting. This was due to dojox.xmpp.util.xmlEncode only encoding the first occurrence of each character, not all of them.
    For Debian 8 Jessie , this problem has been fixed in version 1.10.2+dfsg-1+deb8u2.
  • Whilst Dylan issued DLA 2120-1, fixing CVE-2020-8130, for rake, I, with the Ruby team hat on, fixed the same issue for Stretch and Buster via proposed-updates.
    This CVE was fixed via 10.5.0-2+deb9u1 and 12.3.1-3+deb10u1 respectively.

Other LTS Work:
  • Triaged cloud-init, slirp, libpam-radius-auth, dojo, and qemu.
  • Triaged CVE-2020-1711 and CVE-2020-8608 with more precision and discussed the details with Ola.
  • Started working on rrdtool for CVE-2014-6262.

Debian Work This was a great month! MiniDebCamp -> FOSDEM -> Ruby Sprints. Blog post soon :D
In the month of February, I did a lot of Debian work. // given limited time in March, this section is yet to be updated.
One exciting blog post coming very soon. Until next time.
:wq for today.

22 November 2017

Norbert Preining: Kobo firmware 4.6.10075 mega update (KSM, nickel patch, ssh, fonts)

A new firmware for the Kobo ebook reader came out and I adjusted the mega update pack to use it. According to the comments in the firmware thread it is working faster than previous releases. The most incredible change though is the update from wpa_supplicant 0.7.1 (around 2010) to 2.7-devel (current). Wow. Kobo Logo For details and warning please consult the previous post. Download Mark6 Kobo GloHD firmware: Kobo 4.6.9995 for GloHD Mega update: Kobo-4.6.10075-combined/Mark6/KoboRoot.tgz Mark5 Aura firmware: Kobo 4.6.9995 for Aura Mega update: Kobo-4.6.10075-combined/Mark5/KoboRoot.tgz Mark4 Kobo Glo, Aura HD firmware: Kobo 4.6.9995 for Glo and AuraHD Mega update: Kobo-4.6.10075-combined/Mark4/KoboRoot.tgz Enjoy.

12 November 2017

Lars Wirzenius: Unit and integration testing: an analogy with cars

A unit is a part of your program you can test in isolation. You write unit tests to test all aspects of it that you care about. If all your unit tests pass, you should know that your unit works well. Integration tests are for testing that when your various well-tested, high quality units are combined, integrated, they work together. Integration tests test the integration, not the individual units. You could think of building a car. Your units are the ball bearings, axles, wheels, brakes, etc. Your unit tests for the ball bearings might test, for example, that they can handle a billion rotations, at various temperatures, etc. Your integration test would assume the ball bearings work, and should instead test that the ball bearings are installed in the right way so that the car, as whole, can run a kilometers, and accelerate and brake every kilometer, uses only so much fuel, produces only so much pollution, and doesn't kill passengers in case of a crash.

27 October 2017

Russ Allbery: Review: The Black Gryphon

Review: The Black Gryphon, by Mercedes Lackey & Larry Dixon
Series: Mage Wars #1
Publisher: DAW
Copyright: 1994
Printing: January 1995
ISBN: 0-88677-643-0
Format: Mass market
Pages: 460
The Mage Wars series (or the Gryphon series, which isn't its official title but which is in all of the titles) is part of the sprawling Valdemar mega-series, but it's a prequel to all of the other stories. It's also slightly challenging if you're reading in publication order, since it was published simultaneously with the Mage Storms series. If you're following publication order, in theory you should interleave the two series, but I hate doing that. I'm therefore reading it after Mage Winds and before Mage Storms. We'll see whether that was a good idea when I get to the next series. You could, if you really wanted to, read this series before any other Valdemar book. As a prequel from the deep past of Valdemar's world, it doesn't depend on the other series, and you'll get a rediscovery of lost knowledge feel from later books. The downside is that it's a rather boring introduction, and that order would spoil a lot of the revelatory flow of the other series (particularly Elspeth's adventures in the Mage Winds books). I'm now getting into the Valdemar books that I've only read once. I've been putting off continuing my Valdemar re-read because this series was next and I remember being rather bored with it the first time I read it. But I'm re-reading for the world-building and background as much as for the characters, and this is a huge chunk of world background that fills in the bones underneath Winds of Fate and its sequels. Here's why Dhorisha is a crater, here's why the Pelagiris forests are such a mess, here's where Ma'ar starts, here's the origin of both the gryphons and K'Leshya, and here, finally, we get to see the legendary Urtho on the page. The problem with writing novels set in the epic backstory of your universe is that it's hard to live up to the drama that readers have invented for themselves. A lot of The Black Gryphon is background to events Valdemar readers already know will happen, creating a corresponding lack of surprise. I reached the end of the book and said "yup, that's pretty much what everyone said had happened." Lackey and Dixon do try to do some interesting things here, one of which being the backgrounding of the war. The Black Gryphon starts in the middle of a long-running conflict between Urtho and Ma'ar and doesn't follow the generals or the battles. The protagonists, instead, are a kestra'chern (a type of psychiatrist and spiritual healer who also uses sex, with the expected conflicts of people who incorrectly think of them as prostitutes) and the eventual leader of the gryphons (Skandranon, who is referenced in later books and who provides the title). We get some combat scenes from Skandranon and later another gryphon, but a lot of the book is Amberdrake fighting the effects of the war instead of the details of the war itself. There's a deep and moving story in that idea, and in some of the attached love stories that play out in the army camps. There's also a great story somewhere around Urtho: a brilliant but detached mage who is way out of his depth trying to run an army but smart enough to gather good people around him. He's also a creator of new life, including the gryphons. The Black Gryphon tries to talk about Urtho's paternalism, the weird emotional currents of his relationship with his creations, and the places Urtho keeps things from others for, supposedly, their own good. If this book had looked a bit deeper at the support structure for an army that's trying to be humane, or at the ways in which Urtho strays far too close to being an abusive tyrant through inaction despite having the best of intentions at every step, I think it could have said something significant. Unfortunately, that's not this book. This book is full of relentlessly black and white morality (the flaw of much of the Valdemar series) that bleaches away interesting shades of grey. Urtho is good and wise by authorial fiat, and Ma'ar is the same utterly irredeemable force of evil that he is in other books. The story skitters over Urtho's odd tyrannies, making them all better with the pure power of friendship and good intentions. There just isn't much emotional depth, and while I don't expect that of Lackey in general, this story really needed that depth to work. What we get instead is repetition, as Lackey and Dixon hit the same emotional notes with Amberdrake repeatedly. This is one of those books that makes me wonder if Lackey was trying to write too many novels in a short time than was good for their individual quality. (Collaborations often mean that the lesser-known name is doing all the work, but Dixon is Lackey's husband and the tone of the book is sufficiently Lackey that I don't think that happened here.) It felt padded by Amberdrake turning over the same emotional rocks repeatedly, to largely the same effect. This is, in short, not Lackey's finest effort, although it does have its moments. As always, Lackey is at her best when writing psychological healing narratives. Zhaneel's story is a bit too easy, but the dynamic between Amberdrake and Winterhart is the best part of the book. And The Black Gryphon does tell the reader exactly what led up to the Cataclysm and why. There are no major surprises, but there are some small ones, and it's a nice payoff for the lore-obsessed (like me). This is missable unless you want the full world-building behind Valdemar's past, and it's not the best writing. But if you're heavily invested in the Valdemar universe, it's at least readable and provides an important bit of the history. Followed by The White Gryphon. Rating: 5 out of 10

21 October 2017

Jaldhar Vyas: Sal Mubarak 2074

Wishing all Debian people a prosperous and auspicious Gujarati new year (V.S. 2074 called Saumya.) This year fireworks became legal for the first time in New Jersey. Not that it ever stopped us before but it is nice to see the government stop meddling for no reason. (Eff you, Indian Supreme Court.) Sparklers on Diwali. Although you can only see sparklers in the picture above, we got enough armament to make ISIS jealous. There were also lots of diabetes-inducing sweets and (inexpensive, practical) presents for young and old. That's what I call a proper Diwali and new year.

10 September 2017

intrigeri: Can you reproduce this Tails ISO image?

Thanks to a Mozilla Open Source Software award, we have been working on making the Tails ISO images build reproducibly. We have made huge progress: since a few months, ISO images built by Tails core developers and our CI system have always been identical. But we're not done yet and we need your help! Our first call for testing build reproducibility in August uncovered a number of remaining issues. We think that we have fixed them all since, and we now want to find out what other problems may prevent you from building our ISO image reproducibly. Please try to build an ISO image today, and tell us whether it matches ours! Build an ISO These instructions have been tested on Debian Stretch and testing/sid. If you're using another distribution, you may need to adjust them. If you get stuck at some point in the process, see our more detailed build documentation and don't hesitate to contact us: Setup the build environment You need a system that supports KVM, 1 GiB of free memory, and about 20 GiB of disk space.
  1. Install the build dependencies:
    sudo apt install \
        git \
        rake \
        libvirt-daemon-system \
        dnsmasq-base \
        ebtables \
        qemu-system-x86 \
        qemu-utils \
        vagrant \
        vagrant-libvirt \
        vmdebootstrap && \
    sudo systemctl restart libvirtd
  2. Ensure your user is in the relevant groups:
    for group in kvm libvirt libvirt-qemu ; do
       sudo adduser "$(whoami)" "$group"
  3. Logout and log back in to apply the new group memberships.
Build Tails 3.2~alpha2 This should produce a Tails ISO image:
git clone && \
cd tails && \
git checkout 3.2-alpha2 && \
git submodule update --init && \
rake build
Send us feedback! No matter how your build attempt turned out we are interested in your feedback. Gather system information To gather the information we need about your system, run the following commands in the terminal where you've run rake build:
sudo apt install apt-show-versions && \
  for f in /etc/issue /proc/cpuinfo
    echo "--- File: $ f  ---"
    cat "$ f "
  for c in free locale env 'uname -a' '/usr/sbin/libvirtd --version' \
            'qemu-system-x86_64 --version' 'vagrant --version'
    echo "--- Command: $ c  ---"
    eval "$ c "
  echo '--- APT package versions ---'
  apt-show-versions qemu:amd64 linux-image-amd64:amd64 vagrant \
)   bzip2 > system-info.txt.bz2
Then check that the generated file doesn't contain any sensitive information you do not want to leak:
bzless system-info.txt.bz2
Next, please follow the instructions below that match your situation! If the build failed Sorry about that. Please help us fix it by opening a ticket: If the build succeeded Compute the SHA-512 checksum of the resulting ISO image:
sha512sum tails-amd64-3.2~alpha2.iso
Compare your checksum with ours:
If the checksums match: success, congrats for reproducing Tails 3.2~alpha2! Please send an email to (public) or (private) with the subject "Reproduction of Tails 3.2~alpha2 successful" and system-info.txt.bz2 attached. Thanks in advance! Then you can stop reading here. Else, if the checksums differ: too bad, but really it's good news as the whole point of the exercise is precisely to identify such problems :) Now you are in a great position to help improve the reproducibility of Tails ISO images by following these instructions:
  1. Install diffoscope version 83 or higher and all the packages it recommends. For example, if you're using Debian Stretch:
    sudo apt remove diffoscope && \
    echo 'deb stretch-backports main' \
        sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/stretch-backports.list && \
    sudo apt update && \
    sudo apt -o APT::Install-Recommends="true" \
             install diffoscope/stretch-backports
  2. Download the official Tails 3.2~alpha2 ISO image.
  3. Compare the official Tails 3.2~alpha2 ISO image with yours:
    diffoscope \
           --text diffoscope.txt \
           --html diffoscope.html \
           --max-report-size 262144000 \
           --max-diff-block-lines 10000 \
           --max-diff-input-lines 10000000 \
           path/to/official/tails-amd64-3.2~alpha2.iso \
    bzip2 diffoscope. txt,html 
  4. Send an email to (public) or (private) with the subject "Reproduction of Tails 3.2~alpha2 failed", attaching:
    • system-info.txt.bz2;
    • the smallest file among diffoscope.txt.bz2 and diffoscope.html.bz2, except if they are larger than 100 KiB, in which case better upload the file somewhere (e.g. and share the link in your email.
Thanks a lot! Credits Thanks to Ulrike & anonym who authored a draft on which this blog post is based.

29 August 2017

Sean Whitton: Nourishment

This semester I am taking JPN 530, Haruki Murakami and the Literature of Modern Japan . My department are letting me count it for the Philosophy Ph.D., and in fact my supervisor is joining me for the class. I have no idea what the actual class sessions will be like first one this afternoon and I m anxious about writing a literature term paper. But I already know that my weekends this semester are going to be great because I ll be reading Murakami s novels. What s particularly wonderful about this, and what I wanted to write about, is how nourishing I find reading literary fiction to be. For example, this weekend I read
This was something sure to be crammed full of warm secrets, like an antique clock built when peace filled the world. Potentiality knocks at the door of my heart.
and I was fed for the day. All my perceived needs dropped away; that s all it takes. This stands in stark contrast to reading philosophy, which is almost always draining rather than nourishing even philosophy I really want to read. Especially having to read philosophy at the weekend. (quotation is from On Seeing the 100% Perfect Girl on a Beautiful April Morning)

2 August 2017

Markus Koschany: PDFsam: How to upgrade a Maven application for Debian

In the coming weeks and months I intend to write a mini series about packaging Java software for Debian. The following article basically starts in the middle of this journey because the PDFsam upgrade is still fresh in my mind. It requires some preexisting knowledge about build tools like Maven and some Java terminology. But do not fear. Hopefully it will make sense in the end when all pieces fall into place. A month ago I decided to upgrade PDFsam, a Java application to split, merge, extract, mix and rotate PDF documents. The current version 1.1.4 is already seven years old and uses Ant as its build system. Unfortunately up to now nobody was interested enough to invest the time to upgrade it to the latest version. A quick internet search unveils that the current sources can be found on Another brief look reveals we are dealing with a Maven project here because we can find a pom.xml file in the root directory and there is no sign of Ant s typical build.xml file anymore. Here are some general tips how to proceed from this point by using the PDFsam upgrade as an example. Find out how many new dependencies you really need The pom.xml file declares its dependencies in the <dependencies> section. It is good practice to inspect the pom.xml file and determine how much work will be required to upgrade the package. A seasoned Java packager will quickly find common dependencies like Hibernate or the Apache Commons libraries. Fortunately for you they are already packaged in Debian because a lot of projects depend on them. If you are unsure what is and what is not packaged for Debian, and are useful tools to search for those packages. If in doubt just ask on There is no automagical tool (yet) to find out what dependencies are really new (we talk about mh_make soon) but if you use the aforementioned tools and websites you will notice that in June 2017 one could not find the following artifacts: fontawesomefx, eventstudio, sejda-* and jackson-jr-objects. There are also jdepend and testFx but notice they are marked as <scope>test</scope> meaning they are only required if you would like to run upstream s test suite as well. For the sake of simplicity, it is best to ignore them for now and to focus on packaging only dependencies which are really needed to compile the application. Test dependencies can always be added later. This pom.xml investigation leads us to the following conclusion: PDFsam depends on Sejda, a PDF library. Basically Sejda is the product of a major refactoring that happened years ago and allows upstream to develop PDFsam faster and in multiple directions. For Debian packagers it is quite clear now that the upgrade of PDFsam is in reality more like packaging a completely new application. The inspection of Sejda s pom.xml file (another Maven project) reveals we also have to package imgscalr, Twelvemonkeys and SAMBox. We continue with these pom.xml analyses and end up with these new source packages: jackson-jr, libimgscalr-java, libsambox-java, libsejda-java, libsejda-injector-java, libsejda-io-java, libsejda-eventstudio-java, libtwelvemonkeys-java, fontawesomefx and libpdfbox2-java. Later I discovered that gettext-maven-plugin was also required. This was not obvious at first glance if you only check the pom.xml in the root directory but PDFsam and Sejda are multi-module projects! In this case every subdirectory (module) contains another pom.xml with additional information, so ideally you should check those too before you decide to start with your packaging. But don t worry it is often possible to ignore modules with a simple ignore rule inside your debian/*.poms file. The package will have less functionality but it can be still useful if you only need a subset of the modules. Of course in this case ignoring the gettext-maven-plugin artifact would result in a runtime error. C est la vie. A brief remark about Java package names: Java library packages must be named like libXXX-java. This is important for binary packages to avoid naming collisions. We are more tolerant when it comes to source package names but in general we recommend to use the exact same name as for the binary package. There are exceptions like prefixing source packages with their well known project name like jackson-XXX or jboss-XXX but this should only be used when there are already existing packages that use such a naming scheme. If in doubt, talk to us. mh_make or how to quickly generate an initial debian directory Packaging a Maven library is usually not very difficult even if it consists of multiple modules. The tricky part is to get the maven.rules, maven.IgnoreRules and your *.poms file right but debian/rules often only consists of a single dh line and the rest is finding the build-dependencies and adding them to debian/control. A small tool called mh_make, which is included in maven-debian-helper, can lend you a helping hand. The tool is not perfect yet. It requires that most build-dependencies are already installed on your local system, otherwise it won t create the initial debian directory and will only produce some unfinished (but in some cases still useful) files. A rule of thumb is to start with a package that does not depend on any other new dependency and requires the fewest build-dependencies. I have chosen libtwelvemonkeys-java because it was the simplest package and met the aforementioned criteria. Here is how mh_make looks like in action. (The animated GIF was created with Byzanz) First of all download the release tarball, unpack it and run mh_make inside the root directory. Ok, what is happening here? First you can choose a source and binary package name. Then disable the tests and don t run javadoc to create the documentation. This will simplify things a little. Tests and javadoc settings can be added later. Choose the version you want to package and then you can basically follow the default recommendations and confirm them by hitting the Enter key. Throughout the project we choose to transform the upstream version with the symbolic debian version. Remember that Java/Maven is version-centric. This will ensure that our Maven dependencies are always satisfied later and we can simply upgrade our Maven libraries and don t have to change the versions by hand in various pom.xml files; maven-debian-helper will automatically transform them for us to debian . Enable all modules. If you choose not to, you can select each module individually. Note that later on some of the required build-dependencies cannot be found because they are either not installed (libjmagick6-java) or they cannot be found in Debian s Maven repository under /usr/share/maven-repo. You can fix this by entering a substitution rule or, as I did in this case, you can just ignore these artifacts for now. They will be added to maven.IgnoreRules. In order to successfully compile your program you have to remove them from this file later again, create the correct substitution rule in maven.rules and add the missing build-dependencies to debian/control. For now we just want to quickly create our initial debian directory. If everything went as planned a complete debian directory should be visible in your root directory. The only thing left is to fix the substitution rule for the Servlet API 3.1. Add libservlet3.1-java to Build-Depends and the following rule to maven.rules: javax.servlet s/servlet-api/javax.servlet-api/ * s/.*/3.1/ * *
s/javax.servlet/javax.servlet.jsp/ s/jsp-api/javax.servlet.jsp-api/ * s/.*/2.3/ * * The maven.rules file consists of multiple rows separated by six columns. The values represent groupId, artifactId, type, version number and two fields which I never use.  You can just use an asterisk to match any value. Every value can be substituted. This is necessary when the value of upstream s pom.xml file differs from Debian s system packages. This happens frequently for API packages which are uploaded to Maven Central multiple times under a different groupId/artifactId but provide the same features. In this case the Twelvemonkeys pom requires an older API version but Debian is already at version 3.1. Note that we require a strict version number in this case because libservlet3.1-java does not use a symbolic debian version since we provide more than one Servlet API in the archive and this measure prevents conflicts. Thanks for reading this far. More articles about Java packaging will follow in the near future and hopefully they will clarify some terms and topics which could only be briefly mentioned in this post.


and after

1 June 2017

Paul Wise: FLOSS Activities May 2017




  • Debian: discuss mail bounces with a hoster, check perms of LE results, add 1 user to a group, re-sent some TLS cert expiry mail, clean up mail bounce flood, approve some TLS certs, do the samhain dance thrice, end 1 samhain mail flood, diagnose/fix LDAP update issue, relay DebConf cert expiry mails, reboot 2 non-responsive VM, merged patches for meta-package,
  • Debian mentors: lintian/security updates & reboot
  • Debian wiki: delete stray tmp file, whitelist 14 email addresses, disable 1 accounts with bouncing email, ping 3 persons with bouncing email
  • Debian website: update/push index/CD/distrib
  • Debian QA: deploy my changes, disable some removed suites in qadb
  • Debian PTS: strip whitespace from existing pages, invalidate sigs so pages get a rebuild
  • Debian derivatives census: deploy changes
  • Openmoko: security updates & reboots.

  • Invite Purism (on IRC), XBian (also on IRC), DuZeru to the Debian derivatives census
  • Respond to the shutdown of Parsix
  • Report BlankOn fileserver and Huayra webserver issues
  • Organise a transition of Ubuntu/Endless Debian derivatives census maintainers
  • Advocate against Debian having a monopoly on hardware certification
  • Advocate working with existing merchandise vendors
  • Start a discussion about Debian membership in other organisations
  • Advocate for HPE to join the LVFS & support fwupd

Sponsors All work was done on a volunteer basis.

1 April 2017

Enrico Zini: Stereo remote control

Wouldn't it be nice if I could use the hifi remote control to control mpd? It turns out many wishes can come true when one has a GPIO board. A friend of mine had a pile of IR receiver components in his stash and gave me one. It is labeled "38A 1424A", and the closest matching datasheet I found is this one. I wired the receiver with the control pin on GPIO port 24, and set up lirc by following roughly this guide. Hifi with shutdown button and IR receiver Enable lirc_rpi support I had to add these lines to /boot/config.txt to enable lirc_rpi support:
At first I had missed configuration of the internal pull up resistor, and reception worked but was very, very poor. Then reboot. Install and configure lirc
apt install lirc
I added these lines to /etc/lirc/hardware.conf:
Stopped lircd:
systemctl stop lirc
Tested that the receiver worked:
mode2 -d /dev/lirc0
Downloaded remote control codes for my hifi and put them in /etc/lirc/lircd.conf. Started lircd
systemctl start lirc
Tested that lirc could parse commands from my remote control:
$ irw
0000400405506035 00 CD_PAUSE RAK-SC304W
0000400405506035 01 CD_PAUSE RAK-SC304W
0000400405506035 02 CD_PAUSE RAK-SC304W
0000400405505005 00 CD_PLAY RAK-SC304W
0000400405505005 01 CD_PLAY RAK-SC304W
Interface lirc with mpd I made this simple lirc program and saved it in ~pi/.lircrc:
     prog = irexec
     button = CD_NEXT
     config = mpc next
     prog = irexec
     button = TAPE_FWD
     config = mpc next
     prog = irexec
     button = TAPE_REW
     config = mpc prev
     prog = irexec
     button = CD_PREV
     config = mpc prev
     prog = irexec
     button = TAPE_PAUSE
     config = mpc pause
     prog = irexec
     button = CD_PAUSE
     config = mpc pause
     prog = irexec
     button = CD_PLAY
     config = mpc toggle
     prog = debug
     button = TAPE_PLAY_RIGHT
     config = mpc toggle
Then wrote a systemd unit file to start irexec and saved it as /etc/systemd/system/mpd-irexec.service:
Description=Control mpd via lirc remote control
After=lirc mpd
Then systemctl start mpd-irexec to start irexec, and systemctl enable mpd-irexec to start irexec at boot. Profit! All of this was done by me, with almost no electronics training, following online tutorials for the hardware parts. To connect components I used a breadboard and female-male jumper leads, so I didn't have to solder, for which I have very little practice. Now the Raspberry Pi is so much a part of my hifi component that I can even control it with the hifi remote control. Given that I disconnected the CD and tape players, there are now at least 16 free buttons on the remote control that I can script however I like. Raspberry Pi closeup

20 February 2017

Russ Allbery: Haul via parents

My parents were cleaning out a bunch of books they didn't want, so I grabbed some of the ones that looked interesting. A rather wide variety of random stuff. Also, a few more snap purchases on the Kindle even though I've not been actually finishing books recently. (I do have two finished and waiting for me to write reviews, at least.) Who knows when, if ever, I'll read these. Mark Ames Going Postal (nonfiction)
Catherine Asaro The Misted Cliffs (sff)
Ambrose Bierce The Complete Short Stores of Ambrose Bierce (collection)
E. William Brown Perilous Waif (sff)
Joseph Campbell A Hero with a Thousand Faces (nonfiction)
Jacqueline Carey Miranda and Caliban (sff)
Noam Chomsky 9-11 (nonfiction)
Noam Chomsky The Common Good (nonfiction)
Robert X. Cringely Accidental Empires (nonfiction)
Neil Gaiman American Gods (sff)
Neil Gaiman Norse Mythology (sff)
Stephen Gillet World Building (nonfiction)
Donald Harstad Eleven Days (mystery)
Donald Harstad Known Dead (mystery)
Donald Harstad The Big Thaw (mystery)
James Hilton Lost Horizon (mainstream)
Spencer Johnson The Precious Present (nonfiction)
Michael Lerner The Politics of Meaning (nonfiction)
C.S. Lewis The Joyful Christian (nonfiction)
Grigori Medredev The Truth about Chernobyl (nonfiction)
Tom Nadeu Seven Lean Years (nonfiction)
Barak Obama The Audacity of Hope (nonfiction)
Ed Regis Great Mambo Chicken and the Transhuman Condition (nonfiction)
Fred Saberhagen Berserker: Blue Death (sff)
Al Sarrantonio (ed.) Redshift (sff anthology)
John Scalzi Fuzzy Nation (sff)
John Scalzi The End of All Things (sff)
Kristine Smith Rules of Conflict (sff)
Henry David Thoreau Civil Disobedience and Other Essays (nonfiction)
Alan W. Watts The Book (nonfiction)
Peter Whybrow A Mood Apart (nonfiction) I've already read (and reviewed) American Gods, but didn't own a copy of it, and that seemed like a good book to have a copy of. The Carey and Brown were snap purchases, and I picked up a couple more Scalzi books in a recent sale.

Norbert Preining: Ryu Murakami Tokyo Decadence

The other Murakami, Ryu Murakami ( ), is hard to compare to the more famous Haruki. His collection of stories reflects the dark sides of Tokyo, far removed from the happy world of AKB48 and the like. Criminals, prostitutes, depression, loss. A bleak image onto a bleak society.
This collection of short stories is a consequent deconstruction of happiness, love, everything we believe to make our lives worthwhile. The protagonists are idealistic students loosing their faith, office ladies on aberrations, drunkards, movie directors, the usual mixture. But the topic remains constant the unfulfilled search for happiness and love.
I felt I was beginning to understand what happiness is about. It isn t about guzzling ten or twenty energy drinks a day, barreling down the highway for hours at a time, turning over your paycheck to your wife without even opening the envelope, and trying to force your family to respect you. Happiness is based on secrets and lies.Ryu Murakami, It all started just about a year and a half ago
A deep pessimistic undertone is echoing through these stories, and the atmosphere and writing reminds of Charles Bukowski. This pessimism resonates in the melancholy of the running themes in the stories, Cuban music. Murakami was active in disseminating Cuban music in Japan, which included founding his own label. Javier Olmo s pieces are often the connecting parts, as well as lending the short stories their title: Historia de un amor, Se fu .
The belief that what s missing now used to be available to us is just an illusion, if you ask me. But the social pressure of You ve got everything you need, what s your problem? is more powerful than you might ever think, and it s hard to defend yourself against it. In this country it s taboo even to think about looking for something more in life.Ryu Murakami, Historia de un amor
It is interesting to see that on the surface, the women in the stories are the broken characters, leading feminists to incredible rants about the book, see the rant^Wreview of Blake Fraina at Goodreads:
I ll start by saying that, as a feminist, I m deeply suspicious of male writers who obsess over the sex lives of women and, further, have the audacity to write from a female viewpoint
female characters are pretty much all pathetic victims of the male characters
I wish there was absolutely no market for stuff like this and I particularly discourage women readers from buying it Blake Fraina, Goodreads review
On first sight it might look like that the female characters are pretty much all pathetic victims of the male characters, but in fact it is the other way round, the desperate characters, the slaves of their own desperation, are the men, and not the women, in these stories. It is dual to the situation in Hitomi Kanehara s Snakes and Earrings, where on first sight the tattooist and the outlaw friends are the broken characters, but the really cracked one is the sweet Tokyo girly.
Male-female relationships are always in transition. If there s no forward progress, things tend to slip backwards.Ryu Murakami, Se fu
Final verdict: Great reading, hard to put down, very much readable and enjoyable, if one is in the mood of dark and depressing stories. And last but not least, don t trust feminist book reviews.

12 February 2017

Shirish Agarwal: Density and accessibility

Around 2 decades back and a bit more I was introduced to computers. The top-line was 386DX which was mainly used as fat servers and some lucky institutions had the 386SX where IF we were lucky we could be able to play some games on it. I was pretty bad at Prince of Persia or most of the games of the era as most of the games depended on lightning reflexes which I didn t possess. Then 1997 happened and I was introduced to GNU/Linux but my love of/for games still continued even though I was bad at most of them. The only saving grace was turn-based RPG s (role-playing games) which didn t have permadeath, so you could plan your next move. Sometimes a wrong decision would lead to getting a place from where it was impossible to move further. As the decision was taken far far break which lead to the tangent, the only recourse was to replay the game which eventually lead to giving most of those kind of games. Then in/around 2000 Maxis came out with Sims. This was the time where I bought my first Pentium. I had never played a game which had you building stuff, designing stuff, no violence and the whole idea used to be about balancing priorities of trying to get new stuff, go to work, maintain relationships and still make sure you are eating, sleeping, have a good time. While I might have spent probably something close to 500 odd hours in the game or even more so, I spent the least amount of time in building the house. It used to be 4 4 when starting (you don t have much of in-game money and other stuff you wanted to buy as well) to 8 8 or at the very grand 12 12. It was only the first time I spent time trying to figure out where the bathroom should be, where the kitchen should, where the bedroom should be and after that I could do that blind-folded. The idea behind my house-design used to be simplicity, efficient (for my character). I used to see other people s grand creations of their houses and couldn t understand why they made such big houses. Now few days back, I saw few episodes of a game called Stranded Deep . The story, plot is simple. You, the player are going in a chartered plane and suddenly lightning strikes ( game trope as today s aircrafts are much better able to deal with lightning strikes) and our hero or heroine washes up on a beach with raft with the barest of possessions. Now the whole game is based upon him/her trying to survive, once you get the hang of the basic mechanics and you know what is to be done, you can do it. The only thing the game doesn t have is farming but as the game has unlimited procedural world, you just paddle or with boat motor go island hopping and take all that what you need. What was interesting to me was seeing a gamer putting so much time and passion in making a house. When I was looking at that video, I realized that maybe because I live in a dense environment, even the designs we make either of houses or anything else is more to try to get more and more people rather than making sure that people are happy which leads to my next sharing. Couple of days back, I read Virali Modi s account of how she was molested three times when trying to use Indian Railways. She made a petition on While I do condemn the molestation as it s an affront against individual rights, freedom, liberty, free movement, dignity. Few of the root causes as pointed out by her, for instance the inability or non-preference to give differently-abled people the right to board first as well as awaiting to see that everybody s boarded properly before starting the train are the most minimum steps that Indian Railways could take without spending even a paise. The same could be told/shared about sensitizing people, although I have an idea of why does Indian Railway not employ women porters or women attendants for precisely this job. I accompanied a blind gentleman friend few times on Indian Railways and let me tell you, it was one of the most unpleasant experiences. The bogies which is given to them is similar or even less than what you see in unreserved compartments. The toilets were/are smelly, the gap between the station and the train was/is considerable for everybody from blind people, differently-abled people, elderly people as well. This is one of the causes of accidents which happen almost every day on Indian Railways. I also learnt that especially for blind people they are looking for a sort of low-frequency whistle/noise which tells them the disabled coupe/bogie/coach will come at a specific spot in the Station. In a platform which could have anything between 1500-2000 people navigating it wouldn t be easy. I don t know about other places but Indian Railway Stations need to learn a lot to make it a space for differently abled to navigate by themselves. Pune Station operates (originating or passing through) around 200 odd trains, with exceptions of all the specials and weekly trains that ply through, adding those would probably another 5-10 trains to the mix. Each train carries anywhere between 750-1000 odd people so roughly anywhere between 15-20 million pass through Pune Railway Station daily. Even if we take conservative estimates of around 5% of the public commuting from Pune, it would mean around 750,000 people travelling daily. Pune Railway Station has 6 stations and if I spread them equally it would come to around 100,000 people on one platform in 24 hours. Divide that equally by 24 hours and it comes to 4,160 people per hour. Now you take those figures and you see the Pune platforms are under severe pressure. I have normalized many figures. For instance, just like airports, even in railways, there are specific timings where more trains come and go. From morning 0500 hrs to late night 2300 hrs. there would be lot many trains, whereas the graveyard shifts would have windows where maintenance of tracks and personnel takes place. I dunno if people can comprehend 4000 odd people on the platform. Add to that you usually arrive at least an hour or two before a train departs even if you are a healthy person as Indian Railways has a habit of changing platforms of trains at the last minute. So if you a differently abled person with some luggage for a long-distance train, the problems just multiply. See drag accidents because of gap between railway bogies and platforms. The width of the entrance to the bogie is probably between 30-40 inches but the design is such that 5-10 inches are taken on each side. I remembered the last year, our current Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi had launched Accessible Campaign with great fanfare and we didn t hear anything much after that. Unfortunately, the site itself has latency and accessibility issues, besides not giving any real advice even if a person wants to know what building norms should one follow if one wants to make an area accessible. This was easily seen by last year s audit in Delhi as well as other places. A couple of web-searches later, I landed up at a Canadian site to have some idea about the width of the wheelchair itself as well as additional room to manoeuvre. Unfortunately, the best or the most modern coaches/bogies that Indian Railways has to offer are the LHB Bogies/Coaches. Now while the Coaches/Bogies by themselves are a big improvement from the ICF Coaches which we still have and use, if you read the advice and directions shared on the Canadian site, the coaches are far from satisfactory for people who are wheel-chair bound. According to Government s own census records, 0.6% of the population have movement issues. Getting all the differently-abled people together, it comes between 2, 2.5% of the population which is quite a bit. If 2-3 people out of every 100 people are differently-abled then we need to figure out something for them.While I don t have any ideas as to how we could improve the surroundings, it is clear that we need the change. While I was thinking,dreaming,understanding some of the nuances inadvertently, my attention/memories shifted to my toilet experiences at both Mumbai and the Doha Airport. As had shared then, had been pleasantly surprised to see that both in Mumbai Airport as well as the Doha Airport, the toilets were pretty wide, a part of me was happy and a part of me was seeing the added space as wastefulness. With the understanding of needs of differently-abled people it started to make whole lot of sense. I don t remember if I had shared then or not. Although am left wondering where they go for loo in the aircraft. The regular toilets are a tight fit for obese people, I am guessing aircrafts have toilets for differently-abled people as well. Looking back at last year s conference, we had 2-3 differently-abled people. I am just guessing that it wouldn t have been a pleasant experience for them. For instance, where we were staying, at UCT it had stairs, no lifts so by default they probably were on ground-floor. Then where we were staying and where most of the talks were about a few hundred metres away and the shortest distance were by stairs, the round-about way was by road but had vehicles around so probably not safe that way as well. I am guessing they had to be dependant on other people to figure out things. There were so many places where there were stairs and no ramps and even if there were ramps they were probably a bit more than the 1:12 which is the advice given. I have heard that this year s venue is also a bit challenging in terms of accessibility for differently-abled people. I am clueless as to did differently-able find debconf16 in terms of accessibility or not ? A related query to that one, if a Debconf s final report mentions issues with accessibility, do the venues make any changes so that at some future date, differently-abled people would have a better time. I know of Indian institutions reluctance to change, to do expenditure, dunno how western countries do it. Any ideas, comments are welcome.
Filed under: Miscellenous Tagged: #386, #accessibility, #air-travel, #Computers, #differently-abled, #Railways, gaming

14 January 2017

Russ Allbery: Review: Enchanters' End Game

Review: Enchanters' End Game, by David Eddings
Series: The Belgariad #5
Publisher: Del Rey
Copyright: December 1984
Printing: February 1990
ISBN: 0-345-33871-5
Format: Mass market
Pages: 372
And, finally, the conclusion towards which everything has been heading, and the events for which Castle of Wizardry was the preparation. (This is therefore obviously not the place to start with this series.) Does it live up to all the foreshadowing and provide a satisfactory conclusion? I'd say mostly. The theology is a bit thin, but Eddings does a solid job of bringing all the plot threads together and giving each of the large cast a moment to shine. Enchanters' End Game (I have always been weirdly annoyed by that clunky apostrophe) starts with more of Garion and Belgarath, and, similar to the end of Castle of Wizardry, this feels like them rolling on the random encounter table. There is a fairly important bit with Nadraks at the start, but the remaining detour to the north is a mostly unrelated bit of world-building. Before this re-read, I didn't remember how extensive the Nadrak parts of this story were; in retrospect, I realize a lot of what I was remembering is in the Mallorean instead. I'll therefore save my commentary on Nadrak gender roles for an eventual Mallorean re-read, since there's quite a lot to dig through and much of it is based on information not available here. After this section, though, the story leaves Garion, Belgarath, and Silk for nearly the entire book, returning to them only for the climax. Most of this book is about Ce'Nedra, the queens and kings of the west, and what they're doing while Garion and his small party are carrying the Ring into Mordor er, you know what I mean. And this long section is surprisingly good. We first get to see the various queens of the west doing extremely well managing the kingdoms while the kings are away (see my previous note about how Eddings does examine his stereotypes), albeit partly by mercilessly exploiting the sexism of their societies. The story then picks up with Ce'Nedra and company, including all of the rest of Garion's band, being their snarky and varied selves. There are some fairly satisfying set pieces, some battle tactics, some magical tactics, and a good bit of snarking and interplay between characters who feel like old friends by this point (mostly because of Eddings's simple, broad-strokes characterization). And Ce'Nedra is surprisingly good here. I would say that she's grown up after the events of the last book, but sadly she reverts to being awful in the aftermath. But for the main section of the book, partly because she's busy with other things, she's a reasonable character who experiences some actual consequences and some real remorse from one bad decision she makes. She's even admirable in how she handles events leading up to the climax of the book. Eddings does a good job showing every character in their best light, putting quite a lot of suspense (and some dramatic rescues) into this final volume, and providing a final battle that's moderately interesting. I'm not sure I entirely bought the theological ramifications of the conclusion (the bits with Polgara do not support thinking about too deeply), but the voice in Garion's head continues to be one of the better characters of the series. And Errand is a delight. After the climax, the aftermath sadly returns to Eddings's weird war between the sexes presentation of all gender relationships in this series, and it left me with a bit of a bad taste in my mouth. (There is absolutely no way that some of these relationships would survive in reality.) Eddings portrays nearly every woman as a manipulative schemer, sometimes for good and sometimes for evil, and there is just so much gender stereotyping throughout this book for both women and men. You can tell he's trying with the queens, but women are still only allowed to be successful at politics and war within a very specific frame. Even Polgara gets a bit of the gender stereotyping, although she remains mostly an exception (and one aspect of the ending is much better than it could have been). Ah well. One does not (or at least probably should not) read this series without being aware that it has some flaws. But it has a strange charm as well, mostly from its irreverence. The dry wise-cracking of these characters rings more true to me than the epic seriousness of a lot of fantasy. This is how people behave under stress, and this is how quirky people who know each other extremely well interact. It also keeps one turning the pages quite effectively. I stayed up for several late nights finishing it, and was never tempted to put it down and stop reading. This is not great literature, but it's still fun. It wouldn't sustain regular re-reading for me, but a re-read after twenty years or so was pretty much exactly the experience I was hoping for: an unchallenging, optimistic story with amusing characters and a guaranteed happy ending. There's a place for that. Followed, in a series sense, by the Mallorean, the first book of which is The Guardians of the West. But this is a strictly optional continuation; the Belgariad comes to a definite end here. Rating: 7 out of 10

